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How To Create Affirmations That Work For You

A woman is wearing a pink dress and crystal bracelets. Her hands are visible and she's writing in her journal.

If you follow the Earth Elements Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest pages, you probably know that I love affirmations. I post them often as a reminder that we always have the ability to choose thoughts that feel better to us; thoughts that are in alignment with what we want.

One of my favourite teachings about the power of affirmations comes from Louise Hay:

"An affirmation is really anything you say or think. A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn’t create good experiences for us. We have to retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns if we want to change our lives.

Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. All of our self-talk, our internal dialogue, is a stream of affirmations. You’re using affirmations every moment whether you know it or not. You’re affirming and creating your life experiences with every word and thought.

The secret to having your affirmations work quickly and consistently is to prepare an atmosphere for them to grow in. Affirmations are like seeds planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work."

I love this quote, as it really gets to the heart of why some people have great success with affirmations, and others don't. It simply comes down to understanding that your aim is to improve the way you feel.

Sometimes, people will say affirmations with no real connection to how those words are making them feel. You could be reciting affirmations that relate to abundance, and it may seem like you are planting positive thoughts, but if you are feeling fear, worry, or any type of negative emotion while you are saying those affirmations, they simply aren't working for you. You are trying to plant a seed in soil that isn't ready.

In these cases, it's best to let the subject rest for awhile, and work on feeling better first. Affirmations will always work best when you are feeling good. You may notice that when you are feeling content, happy, excited, or in a state of love, positive thoughts will just flow to you with no effort on your part. This is when you are most open to your Source and your angels, who are always flowing these positive thoughts about your success to you. And when you feel good, you become one with that Divine knowing.

White flowers, a red stone with the word inspire, and an open journal sit on top of a table.

When choosing your affirmations, be mindful and aware of how they make you feel. You should always feel an upcharge in your emotional state. A successful affirmation should always feel soothing, comforting, and uplifting. It will bring on feelings of ease, optimism, clarity, eagerness, or excitement. The affirmations that are right for you will either keep you feeling good, or increase your happiness factor.

It's a nice idea to practice your affirmations in the morning (after meditation is best) when you are most receptive to them. That way, you are planting those seeds in your relaxed and open state of mind, which will provide a wonderful environment for them to grow.

If you have an evening practice that helps you feel calm and nurtured, you can also read through your affirmations before bed. That's another way to keep those seeds strong and healthy.

As you are moving through your day, do your best to keep yourself in a positive, good feeling state. Have some self-care practices in place that can help you refocus and feel better whenever things come up.

And practice the art of appreciation. The more you appreciate things and count your blessings, the more those affirmations that you are planting will become part of your natural self-talk. Appreciation is like fertilizer for those seeds. It feels wonderful to appreciate and it can help bring what you want into being pretty quick!

Remember, that you don't have to aim to feel good 100% of the time. Life happens and it's natural to have responses to it. Getting to your happy place 70% of the time on a consistent basis, is enough to manifest the things that you desire.

A woman in a beige dress is sitting on a windowsill. Her eyes are closed and she is smiling. She has one hand on her heart. Both her hands are holding a single rose.

So, take some time to think about what you really want. Maybe it's a beautiful new vehicle, a lovely place to live, a wonderful vacation, a happy, loving relationship, or more financial abundance. Or maybe it's to feel more connected to your Source and your angels, to cultivate self-love, or to feel more empowered as you move through your day. Whatever your desires are, when you are feeling clear and happy, write down some affirmations related to those subjects. And do it with the intention of feeling a rise in your emotional state.

Here are some affirmations to get you started:

I am supported by my Source and angels throughout my day.

Divine Love surrounds me.

I choose to speak in loving ways to myself and others. I love taking good care of my mind and body.

I am a powerful Creator, and I have the ability to create the life I desire.

Abundance flows to me with ease.

The Universe constantly supplies me with all the prosperity I desire.

I have a beautiful new vehicle that I love to drive.

I am living in my dream home.

I purchased my new home with ease.

I am going on a wonderful trip to _____.

I am eager for all the amazing experiences I will have on this trip.

I am in a beautiful, happy relationship with my Soulmate. We are deeply in love and we are living happily ever after.

I have wonderful friendships.

My friends and I adore each other and we have lots of fun together.

Read through your affirmations each day, and include the tips you've learned here. With consistent practice, your affirmations will become your beliefs. And when your beliefs align with your desires, the manifestation naturally follows.

Shop crystals and jewellery to help you align with your intentions here.


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