February is such a lovely month. It’s a time when many of us renew our commitment to self-love, and our love for those important people in our lives.
Being kind and gentle with yourself is something I always advocate in my work. When you are able to nurture a sense of loving kindness to yourself on a steady, consistent basis, all things open up for you.
This is how healing happens in the mind and body. This is how you open up to the Loving Energy of your Source and your angels. And this is how you gently and comfortably open the doors to allow what you desire to manifest fully.
Today, I’d like to share a self-love journalling practice that can help you do just that.
This is a beautiful ritual that you can incorporate into your daily self-care routine. It’s nice to do this when you have a stretch of time to yourself, so you can enjoy it fully.

First off, get into your comfiest clothes and make yourself something yummy to drink, perhaps a cup of hot chocolate, herbal tea, or mug of warm water with lemon.
Gather up your favourite journal, pen, and a candle. You can also have a rose quartz, or a few of your favourite crystals handy.
Sit in a comfortable, private space, maybe your bedroom, or a cozy corner in your home. Light the candle, and place your crystals around you. Take a few moments to centre yourself; close your eyes and breathe deeply. Feel your body softening and relaxing. Take a sip of your drink, and just enjoy the feeling of creating this sacred time and space for yourself.

Open up your journal, and at the top of a clean page, write your name. And then, begin to write some of the things you love most about yourself.
This can be as simple as, “I love my smile. My eyes are beautiful. I love the colour of my hair. I love how agile and flexible I am. I appreciate the strength of my body. I’m a good person. I have a good heart. I love my sense of humour. I love how I laugh so easily. I have a talent for ____. I’m very kind to others. I’m friendly. I love to assist people in the world. I’m good at my work. I enjoy my work. I love my thoughtfulness…”
And, so on.
For some, this may be a very comfortable and enjoyable exercise and you may write a page or more easily.
For others, it may take a little time and practice to look for the things you appreciate about yourself. And that’s okay.
No matter where you are, if you stick with this exercise for awhile, you’ll find more and more things that you love about yourself, and this will become a very sacred part of your day; reminding yourself of how wonderful you really are.

As you practice this journaling exercise, you’ll feel better overall. And you’ll find even more things to put on your list each day. You’ll find yourself attracting more people who appreciate your wonderful qualities, and your relationships will improve.
It’s a simple premise, but an absolute truth: the more Love you offer yourself, the more Love comes back to you.
Enjoy this gentle journalling practice, and the beautiful shifts that are sure to follow in your Life.
*This journalling practice is called The Book of Positive Aspects, which is a process in the book, Ask And It Is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. I highly recommend giving it a read.
Shop self-love crystals and jewellery here. ❤️