It's been a little while since the last Reiki trainings and I'm happy to share some dates for the next rounds with you here today!
If you've been following me on social media, you might remember me posting about how I've chosen to split up Level 1/2 into two separate levels. This is because I find that I have so much to share with you, that it was feeling a little cramped to try and fit it all into the course of one weekend! This way, we can really get into the juicy stuff (so fun) and you can integrate the material into your life at an easier pace.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique that uses Universal life force energy for healing. It is an ancient method of hands-on healing that can be taught to anyone who is willing to learn. This powerful healing practice helps clear imbalances in the chakras and energy bodies, sending loving Universal energy to where it is most needed.
Reiki is a natural and gentle way to bring balance and harmony back to the entire being, and offers a sense of ease, security and well-being to those who receive it. Reiki is a wonderful way to release stress, tune into your heart space and find peace and relaxation in your daily life.
Reiki is an ongoing, personal journey. It is beautiful way to connect deeply with your Higher Self and move through your days with that wisdom fully present.
All Reiki courses are offered in the traditional Usui method of natural healing.
Reiki Level 1:
Level 1 is focused upon self-healing. You will learn the basics of Reiki as well as discover how to incorporate Reiki into your daily life, how to find emotional balance and live a life of greater ease and joy! Becoming a Reiki practitioner can help heal your mind and body and open you up to your psychic and intuitive abilities.
Your registration fee includes a Reiki manual, Level 1 certificate, a crystal and 2 angel cards to further support your Reiki journey, a private facebook group and lifetime email support.
Level 1 is a 12 hour course, offered over a weekend.
Date: October 14-15th 2017 Time: 11am-5pm Location: Calgary, Alberta (residential address will be given to students once they are registered.) Investment: $245
In Level 1 we will explore:
- The history of Usui Reiki. - The chakras and energetic bodies. - How to tap into your intuitive abilities. - The Law of Attraction and how it relates to Reiki. - Meditation and how to establish a consistent personal practice. - How to protect and preserve your energy levels. - The role of crystals in Reiki and how to work with them in your personal practice. - How to use the power of Reiki to manifest your dreams. - Self-Reiki and offering Reiki to your personal items, crystals, plants and animals.
Reiki Level 2:
In Level 2, you deepen your relationship with Reiki. You will receive symbols to empower your Reiki practice, develop a more profound ability to offer mental and emotional healing, and you’ll also have the ability to do distance Reiki sessions. In this level, you will develop a more fuller understanding of how to live your life in tune with Spirit. You will also have the ability to offer client sessions and give Reiki to your family and friends.
Your registration fee includes a Reiki manual, Level 2 certificate, a crystal and 2 angel cards to further support your Reiki journey, a private facebook group and lifetime email support.
Level 2 is a 12 hour course, offered over a weekend.
Date: November 25-26th, 2017 Time: 11am-5pm Location: Calgary, Alberta (residential address will be given to students once they are registered.) Investment: $245
In Level 2 we will explore:
- Sacred symbols to deepen and increase your access to Reiki. - How to work with crystals in client sessions and incorporate other healing modalities into your practice. - How to deepen your ability to create a life of abundance and joy. - The role of business in Reiki and how to create a thriving Reiki practice. - Practice sessions: group healings as a receiver and as a healer. - How to incorporate higher vibrational levels of Reiki into your daily life.
Please note that all Reiki courses are in person offerings for those in the Calgary area. There have been many wonderful students who have travelled in for these trainings, so if you need hotel recommendations and directions, I would be happy to offer them to you! These trainings take place in my home, and I do have a very friendly kitty who enjoys being a part of them (ie. snuggling up on your notes and having naps on your lap) so please do be aware of and comfortable with her presence!
Ready to register? Please email me at! Space is limited for all trainings.